Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tricked my boys into cleaning their room.

They were arguing and fighting over who was supposed to clean what and who was doing the most cleaning.  Yada yada yada, I made a threat.

I don't know where I heard this, possibly one of you out there, but one mom said when her boys were fighting so much, she tied them together and they had to figure out how to get along for the remainder of the day.  Eating, playing, etc.  By the end of the day, they were agreeable.

So I told this story to my two little boys, as a threat mind you.  THEY decided to try it.  They stood side by side and tied their inner legs together and then their inner arms.  Laughter began almost immediately.  Then talks of how to pee and poop.  So off to the bathroom they went together to pee.  They decided it would be hard to do the other.  Thank goodness.

Then back to the room, falling all over the place, giggling because it was hard to put this toy away or that one without cooperation.  This went on for about 30 minutes before the luster began to wear off.

The room was almost clean and they were no longer fighting.

Boys 4,849,394
Mom 6



  1. you should have taped it!
    (But then it might have been used against you in one of their future endeavors)

  2. Well, according to 'them', you should never threaten a child with something you wouldn't actually do.

    So it sounds great to me!


    Seriously, you've only won six times?

  3. hahaha! I love this and am now going to have to threaten this same punishment.

    My mom's old stand-by is no longer working ("If you don't behave I'm going to put butter on your nose and let the dog lick it off") (it didn't work when I was a kid either, but I am my mother's daughter)

  4. Hilarious! I'll have to remember to share this idea with my daughter when her kids get a little older. :)

  5. Clever! Gonna keep this one in mind if I decide to go for baby #2. :)

  6. That was hilarious! One of the best stories I've read today! What a great way to solve the problem!

  7. Hi just found your blog on Domestiquette, and love it, will be back for more. coryanne


How sweet of you to drop by.