Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Nutcracker Ballet

I should have known better about buying tickets for a ballet in little old Suffolk, but I thought, hey, I'll give it a try.  Our town converted the old downtown high school into a cultural arts center.  There have been numerous events, ballets, productions, etc and this is the first time I've bought tickets.  It's a beautiful building and I love old architecture like this.

What made it such a flop for me is that there were no props.  The last Nutcracker ballet BN and I saw was so beautiful and elaborate.  You could spend the entire show looking at the scenery and props and never need to actually watch anyone dance.  It was that good.

The ballet in Suffolk?   Well, I think they did a fine job with the dancing although a few of them looked less than thrilled to be there.  The top performers for me were the two guys.  Men ballerinas or whatever they are called really are fun to watch because they are so strong and tend to do the most fantastical things.  The "Nutcracker" guy, however, had on white tights and after the show, Pete said they should not wear pants like that.  He could see the guy's butt in detail. 

He was right.  It was slightly obscene.

Here's what I heard the entire time:

BN:  ( I heard nothing...he kept dozing off)
Pete:  How much longer is this thing?
Repete:  I'm starving and I'm sooo bored. (several octaves too loudly)
Me: (to myself) Damn, this really is lame.  I can't stop staring at the nutcracker's nuts.  I can't believe I paid $80 for this.  Those white pants are too revealing, I wonder what the boys are thinking.  I'll never be able to get the kids to agree to a ballet again. 



How sweet of you to drop by.