The darling Ami of
Ami.Mental tagged me for this and I'm glad she did. I love this one because I love Christmas.
"It's the most wonderful time of the year"...ahem, where was I?
Oh, yes she tagged me for this and here goes. Not tagging everyone on my reader, but if you decide to play along, I'll see it!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Both! Depends on the gift. I like making my own wrapping paper but that becomes a full-time job this time of year so I save those papers for birthdays.
2. Real tree or Artificial?
We’re tree huggers so artificial, of course. We had live trees growing up and I hated the pine needles (I was the official vacuumer). Quick story. My first job, back when I had to support my habit, was at a drugstore. After Christmas, the price on artificial trees dropped so much that with my added employee discount, I bought a 6 ft tree for $9.99. I was only 17 but stored it away at my Mom’s until I moved out and had a house of my own. BN and I used that tree for the first 15 years of our marriage.3. When do you put up the tree?
The day after Thanksgiving unless we are out of town and then immediately upon arriving home.4. When do you take the tree down?
New Year’s Day. It’s such a boring day – what else am I gonna do?5. Do you like eggnog?
Blech!6. Favorite gift received as a child?
I loved everything I received but a vanity and the Barbie airplane stand out. I also loved the wicker Barbie furniture my Grandma sent me the year before my parents divorced. What really amazes me about my Christmases past was that my Mom only spent about $100 on both me and my sister. Both of us! Is there anything out there today that costs less than $100? 7. Hardest person to buy for?
In-laws. Actually all adults are hard for me. We have everything and none of us are fond of gadgety things or gag gifts. Wasteful.8. Easiest person to buy for?
My kids and my husband. Although, all three of them are very expensive to buy for. See #6.
9. Do you have a nativity scene?
Yes, a tiny one my Mom gave me.10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Always mail cards. I use them to send a new family picture and pics of the boys. I’m sure everyone is thrilled. hahaha
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
None comes to mind.12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
Miracle on 34th Street.13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Late! I love shopping in the hustle and bustle. Call me CRAZY!14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
No. Buuut, I do have a stash of unused presents that I thought about re-gifting or donating.15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Anything that is not traditional. I’m making lasagna this year.16. What decorations are on your tree?
Things I’ve made, things the boys have made, things my Mom made. I found some pretty glass balls with birds on them two years ago. I love glass ornaments but never bought them because of the kids, but two years ago, Sushi told me about her family and how they all exchange ornaments for Christmas instead of other gifts (fab idea) and I started buying ornaments at the Garden store she pointed out. Beautiful things there. This year I risked putting them up. So far, so good.
17. Favorite Christmas song?
Um, all of them. The local radio stations start playing continuous Christmas music from Thanksgiving day until New Year’s and satellite tv radio has an all Christmas station. I am partial to the Mariah Carey Christmas cd. She funks it up a bit.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home?
Both. My family rotates houses for the big production. We usually go to the in-laws, but they have come here a few times too. Christmas Day is at home with BN and the boys. I always hated as a kid waking up, opening presents, then rushing off to visit family. My sister and I decided many years ago that we would stay home on Christmas. BN’s family doesn’t follow that rule so sometimes show up on that day at our house, but at least we aren't dragging our boys away from home and all their goodies.19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
"Now there's Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen. Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all….Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"…oopsie, caught me singing again.
20. Angel on top of tree or star?
I posted about my Angel on a Fun Monday last year. She turns 40 this year. She was my Moms first Angel and when I moved out, she was my first Angel. I guess that means I’ll have to give it to Pete for his first Christmas…I think that is going to be hard to do…I really love that angel…for cripes sake woman, give it up…moving on...
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
We always opened ONE present on the Eve but BN’s family opened all on the Day. I’ve relented to his tradition except this year. BN and I always buy a “family gift” and this year I bought the Wii. I am letting the boys open it on the EVE. I can’t wait.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
Hyping up a toy and only having two in stock. The Christmas spirit is lost on the merchandisers. Of course, it’s lost on a lot of us, but I do love the commercial spirit.
23 What theme or color are you using when you decorate?
I’m a red and green kind of girl. Nothing says Christmas like red and green to me.24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?
Again, nothing traditional. We don’t eat pig or cow and turkey for Thanksgiving is enough turkey for one year. I’m making lasagna.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year?
Wonderful memories with my loved ones and friends. I truly just love the craziness in the air and that people are generally nicer to one another. I prefer no gifts, but BN will buy me loads as usual.