Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Christmas Quilt

This time of year always makes me feel all warm and cozy - probably because it's still in the 80's around here. Christmas carols pop into my mind at random intervals, I actually want to dust off my stove and cook my family a fabulous meal (fabulous in my head, anyways!), and craft. I love making things and making things for other people. I always wonder if folks still appreciate handmade gifts or if those days are long gone and someone forgot to tell me.
This weekend, I pulled out my crochet stuff (that hasn't seen the light of day for about 14 years), my card making and scrapbooking supplies, and my cross-stitch. I found this great cross-stitch book probably 15 years ago that had "the Santas of the world" and they were gorgeous. BTW, I love-love-love Christmas. Being cheap, I photocopied all the patterns (at work) and started on the first one. It took forever, but I loved the results. About a year later, I started another one and when finished, carefully stored it with the first one. I wondered what I'd do with all these Santas. Now, about 15 years later, I've started the third one and Pete saw them and went gaga (he appreciates pretty things) and asked if he could have one. I decided to make two quilts once I am done with them all. That could literally be years from now which is a good thing, because I don't know the first thing about quilting so I'll have time to learn that too.
One day, I'll pass the finished products down to Pete and RePete. OH YEAH, THE OLD PART...
I can't see the fracking holes anymore. You know what made me feel better. Repete sang the Harry Potter theme song at the top of his lungs all the way through Michael's. He's awesome.

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