Monday, March 14, 2011

Gardening 2011

We are starting our third year of gardening.  Every year we learn something new and we make changes or adjustments and hope for an even better crop the next time around.


We start by rereading sections in All New Square Foot Gardening


Then we inventory our seed packets and order new ones.

We prepare our beds by cleaning and sifting out debris and adding in new compost.  Re-twining our square feet.  And then BN and I sit down and decide what to plant and where it will go in the plot.

This year BN wanted to do the planting.  It was fun to watch because he is always so precise about everything.  Every hole was 3 times the size of the seed being planted.  To each hole he added two, not three or one or five, but two seeds and finally the perfect smoothing of the dirt to cover.

And finally, we sit and wait.


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