I had a lot of errands to run today and I decided to check out our local thrift store. I've read so many blogs lately and thrift store shopping seems to be a big deal. BN says I shouldn't shop there because it's meant for folks less fortunate than me. Man that makes him sound like a stuck up snob, but in reality he meant it in a more benign way. There isn't an ounce of pomp in my man and his heart is much bigger than mine.
At the risk of stealing from the poor (insert sarcasm), I decided to see what all the hype was about. So after my trip to the local nursery, and after the BJs run, and after the school supply store, and after the boys had a fist fight in the post office, we ended up in the local Goodwill. It's the only thrift in my little town.
I led the boys to the little section with toys and I perused the kitchen stuff. I'm really funny about used stuff. My mom will buy things at yard sales, take them home, clean them up and use them. I'm a little more hesitant. Actually, yard sale stuff would be better because I can see the folks that had them before me. At the thrift, you never know who had them last. But I looked anyway. I saw a great rice steamer, and I need a new one, but I couldn't bring myself to buy it. Rack after rack I searched looking for something in particular - dipping dishes for sushi. We bring sushi home from time to time but I haven't a proper dish to mix up the wasabi and soy sauce so we need them. And I found a set of four. They are perfect because they match our Pfaltzgraff dishes
perfectly. I also found 3 pots from IKEA. I could tell that these things were either never used or rarely used. So I took a chance.
In the toys section, I found a great book, "How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?" (we have the how they clean their rooms one) and Pete found Bionicles ($1 each - all parts present and accounted for) and RePete....well, RePete picked out barbies. Still new in the box ($1 each - knockoffs, not the real Barbie).
Now some of you may be cringing at the thought that I bought a boy, not one barbie knockoff (BKO), but two of them. Obviously, I don't have a problem with this, so we brought them home. The boxes hadn't been opened 10 minutes and those poor girls...

So I got out the Gorilla glue and some tape and performed minor surgery. After a few hours, when the glue should have set-up, I gently removed the
bandages tape, and Blondie's leg operation was a success. Unfortunately for the brunette cheerleader, she's now an amputee.
Then Pete grabs Blondie and takes her upstairs. So I say,
Me - "Pete, what are you doing?"
Pete - "Nothing."
Me - "Then bring her back down here, RePete is going to get upset."
Pete - "I'm fixing her. Going to make her look pretty."
Me - Ummm. okay, but don't do anything crazy."
I start cooking dinner and forget about Blondie and Pete eventually comes back downstairs. I ask where Blondie is and he replies that she is on the bureau by the front door.
After dinner, I go check on Blondie and find this...

Okay so maybe I should put away the BKOs. I'm not ready for this.