I love, love, love ornaments. I found this great idea for recycled aluminum ornaments in
Natural Home magazine (Nov/Dec 2008). I've always loved jewelry, wind-chimes and Christmas ornaments. With this craft you can do them all.
Here's a peak at some of the supplies I used. You won't need them all, but many are helpful. For instance if you don't have a punch, a nail will work just fine. No tinsnips? Just use scissors. You get the idea.

First, I cut the cans to remove the tops and bottoms. You should wear gloves to protect your hands. I couldn't find my leather work gloves so I was just very, very careful. The aluminum is so thin, it was so easy to cut.

Here are the cans all cut up. Pretty sloppy since it was awkward to cut a straight line. But not a problem since you'll just trim that up when you cut your shapes.

Pete sneaked off with my camera. Thanks, Pete. Proof that I was actually doing this craft and one of the few times you'll ever catch me sitting during the day. Oh my aching legs.

Good Lord! Look how old my hands are getting. Anyhoo, here's where I used the ruler as a straight edge to draw my edges. The source I got this idea from suggests using a little paper template for nice precise shapes and sizes, but I didn't get my nickname from BN by using templates. That's right, just call me Half-Assed. I like to "eyeball" things.

Here are the two cans that have been trimmed. I'll be making TWO ornaments from these. The backside of the ornament uses the smaller squares and the front side of the ornament uses the larger ones.

See? Small square with wrong side facing the larger square. You'll need that little overlap to fold over and hide the sharp edges. It also gives you an aluminum front and back. No cola logos showing. You'll need to snip the corners as shown.

Now, fold the larger edges over the smaller square.

Then pound out all your frustrations. I also rubbed the hammer along the edges for a little more smoothing.

And voila! This is the front side. It's amazing how that half-assed thing comes back to haunt me with irregular shapes. That's okay. What's my motto? Say it with me...
Handmade isn't perfect. It's charming.
Phew! I feel better. And so relaxed. Moving on.
Use that handy-dandy nail to punch any holes you need for hanging or just for decoration.

Oooo. Look how it is coming together. You can use floral wire or any gauge wire to hang all the doo-dads on. I saw these red glass medallions at the craft store and had to have them. Very funky. Looove it!

Here's the back of the ornaments. Also nice looking. Note to self: Do not use permanent markers unless I plan to cut all the ink off. Oopsie.

Drum roll please. My Christmas tree is not up. I'm not that loony. So I used Mother Nature and with all the golds and reds available I think these would make fine outdoor accessories. Does aluminum rust? Hmm...

Or hang several together to create a sun-catcher. Or if you watched my
gift wrapping video, you know I love handmade gift tags. These would be great for that. Just use the nail to punch the name or initial of the giftee. YES! A gift
on the gift. You are so giving. I love things that have dual purposes. Helps reiterate that whole recycle thing.

Can't wait to put up the tree and see how they look.
Next week will be a blast from the past. My mom is coming down and she's going to help the boys make ornaments she made with my sister and me many, many moons ago. Grandmas are awesome.